Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1 Year Referral Anniversary

Wow I can't believe it's been a WHOLE year since we received our referral!  In the moment it went SO slow but looking back it flew!  Sorry it has been so long since I've posted an update.  Needless to say it's been CRAZY at our house!  Thankfully we no longer have 3 under 3!  We're now 3- 3 & under!

The girls are growing so well!  The doctors have been so pleased with their progress!  They're both around 20 lbs which is in the normal range.  A miracle in so many ways.  1- with twins period you expect them to be small.  2- preemies are small.  3- orphans are usually behind growth wise.  They are truely miracle babies.  God had his hand on them even before they were created.  Of course his original plan was for them to be with their birth parents but for whatever reason that was not able to happen but he knew that would happen & chose us to parent these girls.  Don't get me wrong it has been SO HARD!  But I wouldn't change it for anything.  We were never guaranteed an easy ride with this.  God made this adoption happen & will get us through each step if we trust in him.

Lina is starting to take a couple steps on her own.  She has been pulling up on furniture for a while now & letting go.  She can balance herself pretty well.  It's just a matter of time before she takes off.  I have no doubt.  She is happy most of the time unless she's hungry or sees someone else eating or drinking.  Then she's MAD!  Other than that she's pretty content!  (except for when she's sick like right now)

Chelsea has been farther behind than Lina but is still progressing.  She just started pulling up to standing in the last week.  I am so relieved because of that.  I was starting to get worried because she has been so far behind.  She is the emotional one.  She wants to be held all of the time.  We can't drop her off in the nursery or let anyone else hold her.  She won't have anything to do with that.  She only wants mommy & daddy.  Which is both good & bad.  It shows that she knows we are her parents which is so very important.

Jack is finally getting used to the girls.  He has good days & bad days with them.  His big problem right now is realizing that they're still babies & can't do everything he can!  He wants to wrestle with him.  Chelsea of course wants nothing to do with it.  Lina likes it sometimes depending on how rough he is.  Once she gets a little more mobile she's gonna take him down!  She is all muscle & is going to give him a run for his money!!!

It's so hard to summarize everything in one post without writing a whole book!  Plus there's really no time!  Just know that the girls are doing well!  We're still taking it day by day adjusting but we're doing as is normal at this stage in our adoption.



(sorry not the best recent pics!  Need to get better about taking pics but they don't sit still long & my phone is horrible at pics)

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